Unit: Poetry

Reflection Format: YouTube Video

Description of Artifact: This video is a rap of the poetry terms that we learned about.

Summary/explanation of specific skills/learning outcomes that artifact demonstrates: It goes through the poetry terms: 

simile: part of language that is figurative

alliteration: repeating consonant sound

metaphor: the comparison between two unlike things without using "like" or as"

onomatopoeia: words that mimic sounds

imagery: element that helps us see/describes the setting

hyperbole: exaggerate to the extreme

allusion: reference something and bring it to your mind

personification: giving human traits to things that have none

symbol: carries meaning and represents something 

irony: dry, humorously sarcastic or mocking

oxymoron: Two words having no relationship or having contradiction are put together in such a way the set or such words give a different meaning

satire: the use of humour, irony or exaggeration in order to show how foolish or wicked some people's behaviour or ideas are

sarcastic: not meaning literally (in a mocking voice)

symbolism: object representing something

anthropomorphism: animal is human

euphemism: nicer way of saying something

rhythm: a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound

Using Windows Movie Maker, I've created a digital artifact for The Outsiders. You can download it here:
The Outsiders
File Size: 59 kb
File Type: wlmp
Download File

My Public Speaking Digital Artifact:  Public Speaking Digital Artifact
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You can see my Short Stories Digital Artifact by clicking: Short Stories Digital Artifact
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The purpose of this website is to display my digital artifacts for each of the units we do in my English class. 


    One of my favourite subjects is English, and I'm very good at it as well. 


    December 2013

